Thursday, March 24, 2011

One Voice...

I have a read a lot of dialogue recently about the need to be a "world" citizen. I like that. It's one of the benefits of having so much technology. We know what is going on around the world within seconds of stuff happening (tsunami's, wars, and many good things as well). We are citizens of a country I know, but really everyone is our neighbor, right? The one next door and the one across an ocean.

The world citizen concept is intriguing to me because it causes us (I certainly hope it does anyway) to live outside ourselves, considering others, and having compassion. The tragedy in Japan is the most recent event that helps us understand this situation.

The thing that intrigues me the most about being a world citizen is that I should be moved to action when another has a need, no matter if it is on the other side of the world. We can help. It's almost like we have one voice with many languages spoken.

A song that is heavy on my playlists is One Voice by The Wailin' Jennys. Enjoy this video and think about being a world citizen.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Universal Language

Someone posted this on FB the other day. If I remembered who I would give them credit. I don't; so if you were the one leave a comment and I will include you! Bobby McFerrin, best known for Don't Worry Be Happy, does an amazing job of explaining the universal language; actually demonstarting would be a better desacription of what he does in this video... enjoy.