Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Hey, I'm here!

Hey, everyone. I feel like I am embarking on a journey. A journey not only of self-presentation (it's a bit vulnerable putting yourself out there (here) even though there are protections) but of self-discovery. There it is. The title of my first post: self-discovery. You hear a lot of that hyphenated word on shows like Oprah and Doc Phil, or in counseling sessions. Not much of that in scripture though. Mayeb because that is not what w need to be after: the discovery of ourselves. Hmmm....
The way I see it is God intended us to find Him, not ourselves. I don't tend to find out anything good when I "discover" things about myself (cuz it's usually stuff I need to change about me!). Discovering me is no great task: I'm fallen, I need Him. Period. God wants us to travel down the road of God-discovery. And what an amazing find it is once we have "discovered" Him!
This post is going to be short, but I'm just starting and I really want these things to be a dialogue with anyone who wants to share. Let's share about how we discovered God; or how He found you; And I'll share about how He found me and how I am continually discovering Him. I think that would be a great place to start. Let's just see where this dialogue takes us (hopefully closer to Him).

still discovering...



Anonymous said...

Hi Jim,
I totally agree with what you are saying. We need to seek the Kingdom first. We also need to discover ourselves enough to know our talents and to be able to use them for Him.

Brett, April, Caden, Corban & Eden said...

hope it works out for ya jimbo. keepin' up a blog is arduous at times, but you're a minister, and they don't do anything all day anyways, right?

Kat Simpson said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere, Jim!


Anonymous said...

I know you better than most who will ever visit your blog. I'm proud of your accomplishments, stick-to-it-ive-ness, faith and choices. I also liked your cool Canadian links. Frere.

Anonymous said...


I commend you for your efforts to share via the Blog in this Internet era. God's speed!


lee said...

Kingdom first.
Check out this site: GCK Ministry it is about God's Coming Kingdom Ministry. It looks like their website is being updated, but very interesting content.

Another Canadian, but before all God's child
Canadian Links