Tuesday, July 18, 2006

... How I'm doing in the following Jesus category...

I have been attracted to readings about following Christ lately. About discipleship. What that means. If I truly follow Jesus how do I live differently? What kinds of things did Jesus do that he calls us to do? In reading about this I have found out amazing things and simple things. Amazing things like the quotes below from Bonhoeffer. Simple things like the fact that for hundreds of years Christ-followers did their following without having scripture as their guide. Oh yes they may have heard it read or, if they were privileged enough would have some sort of access to a copy of the Bible. But for the most part they followed him without having to read HOW to follow him. How did they do that? How did they act as disciples without everyone having a copy (or 18 like I have)? Enjoy the readings on discipleship:

The call goes forth, and is at once followed by the response of obedience. …. It displays not the slightest interest in the psychological reason for a man’s religious decisions. And why? For the simple reason that the cause behind the immediate following of call by response is Jesus Christ Himself.

Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ. It remains an abstract idea, a myth which has a place for the Fatherhood of God, but omits Christ as the living Son. … There is trust in God, but no following of Christ.

He wants to follow, but feels obliged to insist on his own terms to the level of human understanding. The disciple places himself at the Master’s disposal, but at the same time retains the right to dictate his own terms. But then discipleship is no longer discipleship, but a program of our own to be arranged to suit ourselves, and to be judged in accordance with the standards of rational ethic.

If we would follow Jesus we must take certain definite steps. The first step, which follows the call, cuts the disciple off from his previous existence. … The first step places the disciple in the situation where faith is possible. If he refuses to follow and stays behind, he does not learn how to believe.

1 comment:

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Bonoehoffer is always challenging. Forces us to ask if we are truly walking the way of the cross or the way of the roses.

Jurgen Moltmann in his magnificent bk The Crucified God, asked the question "Who put the roses around the cross?" Great question. He suggests that we have because the "naked" cross scares us to death. It reminds us of the invitation of Jesus to take up the cross.

I am glad I have stumbled upon your blog. You are asking some questions I have been ruminating upon as well. I invite you to drop by my Stoned-Campbell Disciple Blog.

Bobby Valentine