Monday, September 11, 2006

... how do I make life safer for hedgehogs?


According to an Aug. 31 Reuters story, burger giant McDonalds has given in to demands of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society to reduce the size of the opening in its McFlurry container. (For those out-of-touch citizens who don't frequent McDonalds, a McFlurry is an ice cream treat with candy mixed in.)

It seems that some British consumers have been tossing their McFlurry containers on the side of the road, where innocent hedgehogs have been putting their heads in to get a taste of the sweet treat. The container opening is just wide enough for them to get in, but then they get trapped and eventually die of starvation (apparently when the McFlurry remnants run out).
So -- being the animal-lovers they are -- the folks at McDonalds have reduced the size of the opening on top of the McFlurry container, keeping hedgehogs from sticking their heads in and getting caught. Except for really small hedgehogs, of course.

"This is excellent, it is long overdue news," said Fay Vass, chief executive of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society.

It will be even better news when they make the container opening small enough that people who shouldn't be eating them can't get in. Hmmmm...


Anonymous said...

This is no laughing matter..
I got my head stuck in a mcflurry lid once and would have died if Ronald MC Donlad himslef hadn't showed up and nursed me back to health before releasing me back into the wild.

Anonymous said...

Do hedgehog like Frosty's?