“…Talk about them wherever you are,
sitting at home or walking in the street;
talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night…” (Deut 6:7, MSG)
Yes, I know Moses is talking here about the Law and the Commandments and following them, but he is really talking about living a spiritual life; He is talking about how God wants us to live everyday. In an article I read just this morning the author mentions how we have fallen into the belief that in order to be “spiritual” we have to go on some retreat off in the middle of nowhere or find “quiet time”. He believes, and I agree with him, our spiritual life is 24/7, and if we cannot live a spiritual life in the middle of our day, we cannot do it at all. Listen to what Paul says about it:
sitting at home or walking in the street;
talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night…” (Deut 6:7, MSG)
Yes, I know Moses is talking here about the Law and the Commandments and following them, but he is really talking about living a spiritual life; He is talking about how God wants us to live everyday. In an article I read just this morning the author mentions how we have fallen into the belief that in order to be “spiritual” we have to go on some retreat off in the middle of nowhere or find “quiet time”. He believes, and I agree with him, our spiritual life is 24/7, and if we cannot live a spiritual life in the middle of our day, we cannot do it at all. Listen to what Paul says about it:
“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life- your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life- and place it before God as an offering.” (Romans 12:1, MSG)
Now I’m not saying that the times we get to be alone and study and pray are not important. I am not saying that Church worship on Sunday cannot lift us up. We definitely need those times. Our call however as Christians is to be that salt and light ALL the time. Our job is to be that difference (or be holy as Peter puts it) ALL the time. Remember today how important it is to live that spiritual life everyday, ALL day, not just when you get that “quiet time”. Pray on-the-go that God will help you take that sleeping, eating, going-to-work, walking-around self, and make something of it!
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