Wednesday, January 25, 2006

R U "Plugged In"?

I received an email from a friend yesterday. In it he describes how moving to a new city last year was good for him. He said that the best thing about moving was getting “plugged in” (his words) at a church there as soon as he arrived. Now, I must say that I may have recommended last year that he look at that particular church, but that’s not important really. What is important is that he did that (got “plugged in”) as soon as he got there. From what he said in his email, he is already involved in a men’s Bible study group and may be heading out on a mission trip in the near future.

It begs the question(s) then from all of us (especially those of us who have been at a church for a long while): Are you plugged in? Are you involved like you know you need to be? Are you serving in an area where it is your passion? Are your spiritual gifts (let’s back up: do you know what they are?) being used for God’s kingdom? If you’re new, are you waiting to be asked? Do you feel burned out from your last church and their endless needs and your willingness to work? Have you been somewhere for so long you feel stuck in what you’re doing?

I know, I know, what’s with the million questions, you ask? These are hard questions, you ask? Well, maybe so, but I believe they are needed-to-be-asked questions. Back to “plugged in”. When I was a youth minister I used to tell my graduating seniors just before they were heading off to college, “Hey, I want to know at Christmas break where you’re going to church.” You see, in some of our cities and towns where there are Christian Colleges, it’s potentially very easy for a student to get lost in the endless visiting of churches (there are so many choices). I believed the worst thing they could do was to not get “plugged in” somewhere. Yes, even as a college student. Big church, small church, doesn’t matter. Get “plugged in” I used to say. Otherwise, you’d be like many I saw in Abilene during my time that based their church-going on girls/boys and ice cream socials. Not good. Some of my students have come back and thanked me later for making them tell me where they were going. There is something about having a place (church) where you feel that you belong. Search for it. And when you find something that is close (sorry to dash your hopes, but you may not find the “perfect” place) work at it. Get plugged in. Serve. Grow. Help others grow. Remember if you’re “plugged in” to the ultimate resource, our Father, he will help. He will be with you.


Jim MacKenzie said...

"Current"ly, I am encouraged by your "punny" response Orion! I'm "charged" up now!

Steelerfan06 said...

Great post Jim! Nice to chat w/ you recently.