Monday, January 30, 2006

Try It...You'll Like It (and He will too)

I may just be weird, (no comments about that please!) but I remember commercials that aired 20-30 years ago. I remember the gimmick or punch line, and I always remember the product (I guess advertising & commercials really work!). Try it, you'll like it comes from an old Alka-Seltzer commercial. In a religious journal that I subscribe to there was an article recently entitled 25 Ways to Experience God. Here are some excerpts for today’s post that may give you some ideas for enhancing your spiritual walk. Try'll like it!

  • Arrive at church 10 minutes early. Spend time praying for the worship assembly for that day.

  • As you study a portion of scripture, draw with symbols, words, or sketches what the passage is saying to you about God.

  • Write your own words to go with the tune of a familiar hymn or worship song (then sing it aloud to God).

  • Kneel or lie prostrate before God when you pray.

  • Read a story to an elementary-age child from a picture Bible.

  • Take a few minutes to list all the adjectives you can think of that describe God. Then thank God for each word.

  • For you five favorite hymns or worship songs, find Bible passages on which they were based or that affirm the truth of the songs’ messages.

  • Each day for a week, reflect on how your day would have been different if you were not a Christian. Don’t allow yourself to be unmoved about the difference Christ makes.

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