Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Q & A Today

I received this yesterday from a friend and thought I would post it (and my response) to see what kind of response I might get:

I wonder your thoughts on the future relationship between Christians (or any non-Muslim) and militant Muslims. This latest volatility over a cartoon blows my mind. How can they justify killing to bring apology for an insulting cartoon? Today, a handful of Muslims in a rioting crowd were killed by U.S. soldiers when they attempted to storm an embassy (can't remember where). America will view it as a rioting crowd, but it was more than that. It was a religiously motivated crowd acting on their beliefs. I'll probably never understand Islam until I study it, but it seems to lack the compassion and forgiveness that Christianity teaches.”

Two things come to mind:

Number one, they were already looking for something and that pushed them over the edge (which makes you think that it won’t take much for some of these characters to go off).

Number two requires a longer discussion but is basically this: The major differences between Western and Eastern cultures. Our understanding of everything Muslim comes from our Western, Christianized understanding and world-view. The Eastern cultures are different. They think differently, they worship differently; they live and act totally differently, and, as a result, they do religion differently. And here’s the real kicker: guess who’s been around longer? AND, the bonus comment: The Bible was written in its entirety in an Eastern culture to an Eastern culture. We (American Christians) have done much harm in trying to make everything in the world fit into a Western Christian understanding of things/worldview: Our politics – in the name of God; Our way we do church – In the name of “it should fit everywhere around the world?” Our whole social, economic, religious way of doing things is so Western and, as a result, we don’t understand anything from the other side of the world. Like I said, I would need more time and space to properly answer that hugely loaded question.


Jim MacKenzie said...

Alan, great comments. I have always felt that Christ is the difference in all religions, including Judaism. Mercy and grace are not found in world religions, forgiveness isn't either which I believe is the basis for a discussion with Muslims. Hey, I'd like to send your comments on to my friend who started this whole thing. OK?

Steelerfan06 said...

Yes, Jesus is the difference. So simple, and yet such a drastic chasm between the two religous groups remains. Why love, forgiveness, mercy and grace are foreign thoughts to humanity, or at least to Muslims, is hard for me to understand. Yes, the Western Christian is the new kid on the block, but surely they recognize the value of peace, patience, and the virtues mentioned above.
Jerry Seinfeld said once that he admired the oriental cultures because they still use chop sticks. Oh, they know we have the fork. They've seen it, they've used it, but they stick with that tradition regardless.
I know it's a stretch, but this discussion reminded me of it. Muslims have heard of Jesus' example of "do unto others" and "turn the other cheek", but they just keep going with what they've always done.
I heard this morning that hundreds of Islamic leaders met recently and condemed violence, but from what I understand it's indoctrinated into their belief system.