Friday, June 02, 2006

... Actually you were wondering when...

OK, those of you who know me knew it was a matter of time until I did a World Cup post. Well, here it is: As of a few minutes ago (according to the countdown timer on the site), there are 7 days and a little over 7 hours until the first game of this years World Cup (if you have to ask what sport – stop reading right now). Here are some links for everything you need to know, if you want to know. The DVR is set; my kids and I have picked our favorite teams (just so you know: Meg- USA, Germany; Cameron-USA, Portugal; Me-USA, Netherlands); let’s get watching a true “WORLD” sport with a true “WORLD” championship (forgive my bias here). Also included a pic of Beckham – Cameron even got his hair cut to look like his most recent style…

Ole’, Ole’, Ole’!!!


Anonymous said...

GO, MAVS!!!!!

Is that the right sport?

Kari said...

so why are there so many world cups anyway? i always thought it was just soccer/football. then i found out there were like thirty five more. what's up with that?