Monday, November 13, 2006

... about turning around ...

Here's a great excerpt from a book I'm reading by Rick McKinley called This Beautiful Mess:

"To repent means to turn around, to stop what you are doing and do the opposite. To repent means that even though you used to assume one thing was true, you know it's all wrong - all wrong - and you will now believe and act upon something totally different. Repent is a good, strong word, full of hope and new beginnings. In the context of Jesus' kingdom, repent is an invitation to another world, another life, a way of being that was supposed to be all along and can be now.

To repent is to say to God: "I'm blind. I don't see, but I want to. Please show me your heart in everything."

Good thoughts from a good book so far. He also wrote Jesus in the Margins, another good one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings, fellow Canadian, and brother in Christ.
Nice and encouraging blog!
