Thursday, August 17, 2006

... and missing the homeland...

Nothing special today, just thinking about the homeland, the Great White North, eh?

As fall is coming, school started this week, here are some things I miss:

1. Seeing hockey in person. Not NHL (especially not the Avs), I'm talking junior hockey, peewee hockey, where the players still love what they're doing. On any given day from October through March you can find a game to attend.

2. Playing hockey. Now, i know that this one closely resembles number one, but, only if you don't play hockey. I have recently found some guys in Colorado Springs that play and they are interested in me since I played goalie, a little.

3. The simplicity of life there. This one is more difficult to describe but it has to do mostly with consumerism and materialism. Lots of it in the good old USA but Canadians tend to not get all caught up in that game.

4. The outdoors there. Colorado, I have seen since we moved here last year, rivals it, but it will never be like how I remember it as a child.

5. Toronto. There's just something about the massive place that's home to me. Lots of fun memories from High School. Jeff Davison, if you'r reading this, I am specifically referencing our treks downtown to the record stores in the late 70's to find the latest cool music.

These are just a few. I could talk about the boring Canadian food, the great ethnic food from all over the world, unbelievable fishing spots, and of course, my Blue Jays! But those are topics for another time. It's amazing how much our childhood impressions of things have such an impact on the whole journey of life. This is just one of those spots where i'm stopping along the way to remember. O Canada!

Anybody want to share their memories of their "Homeland"?


stuckinthe80s said...

Please, sir, are you insinuating (sp?) that today's NHL players don't love what they're doing?!?!?!? I hope Tony Twist pays a visit to your house and gets five for fighting! Turn in your maple leaf, you hoser!

Anonymous said...

Living for three years on the Canadian border I can attest that the food is beyond boring. It was nice moving back down south and encountering flavor again.
Although the best french fries in the world are in Sarnia.

Kari said...

oh Michigan, my home! I can't say enough about it. So I just constantly remind everyone I meet anywhere that I'm from Michigan, and it's the best state EVER.

Kirsten Alana said...

Vermont is my homeland. And I was blessed to honeymoon there with my new husband last week. I feel what I think is similar nostalgia to your memories of Canada. I have lived in many states...but Vermont will always be home. And gosh, it was wonderful to go back!