Thursday, September 07, 2006

... about potential

Hey! I'm back after a short absence! I was making some changes. These led to other changes... which led to still more changes... Oh well. I learned my lesson to let sleeping blogs lie! ;)

I'm always amazed at those climbing walls in the sports stores. It looks hard. I do understand that once you learn the technique it is easier. Still, the other day I saw a six-year-old flying up the wall like a spider! She made it look easy!

Here’s a word for you today: potential. It’s something some of us hear growing up that either empowers us or hits us squarely in the face depending on how it is used. If it is used in this context it is fine: “he/she has so much potential in this or that area; unlimited potential for success.” If it used in this context it creates a much different response: “he/she just doesn’t ever seem to live up to all that potential.” Here’s a definition of potential: possible, but not yet realized; with a possibility or likelihood of occurring, or of doing or becoming something in the future; the capacity or ability for future development or achievement.

This word is personal for me. It hits home. I’m not saying which sentence I heard growing up but I think I began to hear some talk about the second sentence some years ago, the not-living-up-to-potential one. It hurt; especially considering who it came from.

Here’s the encouragement from scripture though: God is able to transform us into whatever he wants us to be. “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which come from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Cor. 3:18

Our job is to encourage as well. Help someone reach theirs. Better yet, pray that God would transform them into his likeness!

1 comment:

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Thank you for the encouraging post. I pray God sees lots of potential in this old lump of coal, :-)

If you get a chance drop by my blog.

Bobby Valentine