Hey, it's really cold out and at this time of year when it's like that my thoughts turn not to christmas, but to golf. Here's a good paragraph for all you golfers out there who feel the need to connect golf with theology. I don't need to talk about that connection as often as some because I feel the connection, deep inside my self. I need golf to help my spiritual walk. Those of you who are non-golfers will not ever understand that so I rest my case. I just call it spiritual renewal and go on.
Yes, it's fun.
Yes, I enjoy watching it on TV.
Yes, I follow the sport, and Tiger Woods, and I read the magazines as often as Bob Stephenson supplies me with his used copies! Thanks Bob!
Yes, I love the history of the game.
Yes, it is a hobby (and an expensive one at that).
I admit all of that. So sue me.
Oh yeah, back to the paragraph:
"You cannot golf well unless you combine a number of seemingly contradictory virtues: concentrated and relaxed effort, intensity and calm, active hope and long-suffering, to name a few. Golf is an eschatological (study of last things) game. It's a bout playing in the tension between promise and fulfillment, the already-but-not-yet."
Have a great Monday and remember: Golf is about spiritual renewal to me (yah, yah, and it's fun).
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