Friday, December 16, 2005

Ho Ho Get Me Away From Here!

When my youngest was three, she attended a preschool at our church. They asked me to be Santa that year. Don't do it guys! Resist the urge to make all little children's dreams come true! I came into the school and everything was going fine, no children crying, until Keeley saw Santa. She was scared, and ran away screaming and hid. As if this wasn't bad enough, when we finally found her we decided that it would be a good idea if I pulled my fake beard down for her to see that it was really dad. Oh no. That made it worse, she cried even harder. She still talks about it to this day and was just able this year (she's 8) to again sit on Santa's lap. Here are some scared of Santa pics I found .

Run away...

Double the fun...
whatever THAT is, it scares me too!

The kids seem to be OK, but I think I saw this guy on America's Most Wanted!

One Question: Why take the picture?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, jim! do you have any idea how difficult you are to track down? i spent 30 minutes the other day looking for you on and by fluke ran across your blog a couple days later!

please put more pictures of your kids on your blog...i miss you guys! (and can you tell me how i can get in touch with you other than this?!)

-shei wells, keller, tx