Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Kingdom People...

Jesus talks constantly about the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven. We are a part of it if we are followers of Christ. But what characterizes God’s people being “Kingdom People?” What makes Kingdom citizens different than anyone in the world? What characterizes a “kingdom person”?  Here are three things that do. Kingdom people:
1.     Live in Faith.
2.     Offer Forgiveness and Reconciliation.
3.     Seek First His Kingdom.

I want to contrast what the world says about how to live here with how a “kingdom of God” person would live. Here are just some of the disparities:

Pride is important vs. Give all your rights to God
“Hitch your wagon to a star” vs. Humility is essential
Success vs. Jesus is Lord
Professionalism vs. Obedience
Competition vs. Servanthood
Maintain your rights      vs. Service
Negotiate for the best deal vs. Obey God’s commands
Excellence vs. Christlikeness
Save your life vs. Lose your life for my sake
Affirm Self vs. Deny self
Accomplishments vs. Character
“You don’t have to take that!” vs. Take up your cross
Live to die vs. Die to live
Rule and be served vs. Serve in order to rule
Things will make you happy vs. Godly character brings joy
Walk by sight vs. Walk by faith
Get revenge vs. Do good to your persecutors
Eat, drink, and be merry vs. Seek first the kingdom of God

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