Thursday, December 08, 2005

Touched By God

How’s this for making a point. I cannot remember where I found this, but it’s good. It’s old, but it’s good.  

Longfellow could take a worthless piece of paper, write a poem on it, and instantly make it worth thousands of dollars -- and it's called genius.

Rockefeller could sign his name to a piece of paper and make it worth millions of dollars -- and it's called riches.

A mechanic can take material worth only five dollars and make it worth five hundred -- and it's called skill.

An artist can take a fifty-cent piece of canvas, paint a picture on it, and make it worth thousands of dollars -- and it's called art.

Jesus Christ can take a worthless, sinful life, wash it in His blood, put His Spirit in it, and make it valuable to God -- and that's called sanctification.

The Lord is in the business of taking rough, raw material and using it -- transforming men by His power to be the extension of His work in the world.

Note: Just when you think you don’t have much to offer remember its God that blesses you with something to offer this world.  It’s his redeeming grace that gives us a message of hope for everyone. He transformed us into what he wants. God touches us and each of us, in turn, has something to give. We can put our valuable mark on something because God has done that for us through his Son. What raw material do you have that God can use?

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