Network probs yesterday and today. Only have time for a short post before our router kicks us off again...
I read an interesting thing yesterday in a religious journal I receive.
"People today want to feel moral. But they do not want objective, transcendent absolutes - such as the Ten Commandments - whose authority comes from God... they prefer to construct an ethical system that does not make them feel guilty." (Gene Vieth, World Magazine, January 14, 2006)
My only comment is: since when does anyone want some sort of system that confronts, challenges, and changes us? Never! We may not want it, but we have it. That's how God chose to keep us on track. Not with rules mind you, but a relationship with him. We follow those "rules" because of our redeemed relationship with him!
Have a great day!
So...if you have an ethical system that doesn't make you feel it really ethical???
I wish I was more intellectual -- maybe I could wrap my feeble mind around that!
I think the World Magazine quote is a great insight into where today's people are. It should prompt us to enter their lives bringing that relationship to them that you talk about, Jim.
We tend to get so much more focused on the rights and wrongs, dos and dont's that we fail to present what people really need: Jesus. If we usher them into a relationship with Him, will He not them lead them into the understanding that they need to more adequately follow Him?
Scott, you said:
"If we usher them into a relationship with Him, will He not them lead them into the understanding that they need to more adequately follow Him?"
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