Thursday, March 02, 2006

... about talking to someone who has never read the Bible about God

OK, I found a great book the other day. It’s been out a while, but I just stumbled onto it. Someone had told me about it but I had never checked it out. Well, I have now and it is good. Some of you may know about Mike Armour’s, A Newcomer’s Guide to the Bible, but let me explain a bit to those who do not know.
Right from the start it’s interesting because Armour did not write this book with American readers in mind. He was approached by Dr. Vladimir Skovorodnikov, at the time minister of education in a large region in Russia. Following the fall of Communism, he was one of the Russians that pioneered the reintroduction of Christian thought and themes into the Russian classrooms.
The problem was that most of his teachers had never seen a Bible before, much less read one. So Skovorodnikov asked Armour to find an introduction to the Bible for someone that knows absolutely nothing about it. Armour couldn’t find one that was basic enough, so he wrote one .After writing it for the Russians he was bombarded with requests for a translation in English (funny, usually the rest of the world is asking for stuff in their languages, now- the other way around).
The best thing about this book is how he deals with the story of the Bible in a uncomplicated manner, without having to research all of the technical difficulties that surround certain portions of the Word. He lets the story be the story; which is a wonderful way to read the Bible, by the way. This is a good book, especially if you know someone who knows nothing about the Bible. Which, I believe, will become even more familiar to us the USA in the coming years.

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