Tuesday, March 07, 2006

… about the translating, interpreting, and reading of the Bible

Just lately, for classes and lessons, I have been doing what seems like plenty of discussing and reading in this area so here are some of my findings (and wonderings):

  1. Many scholarly people (read: way smarter than me) have disagreed for years about how we do this (translation). We've been working on this for hundreds of years! Here's an example – if it was just as simple as learning the original languages and quickly converting all it over to English, well, we would have had no disagreements; Period. Taking ancient languages (Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew), and making it fit to today’s English is no small feat. It makes me appreciate those (again much smarter than me) who attempt to do this for us all.

  2. Then we have the whole “interpretation” issue (big word: hermeneutics). Mike Cope wrote in his blog today that he grew up hearing: God said it; I believed it; that settled it. He basically concluded this way: if it were only that simple…(I agree)

  3. Really it’s the “living out” in my life what scripture says that is the difficulty, no matter what translation we’re using.

  4. Tom Olbricht in his book from a few years ago, Hearing God’s Voice, concludes with this: “In a real sense hermeneutics (interpretation) is the interpreting of God to those who wish to be his. Even God did not propose to do that by a few simple rules. He did not offer rules, but a Son. “No one has ever seen God. It is God, the only Son, who is close to the father’s heart, who has made him known” (John 1:18). If God can best explain himself in person, we can best explain him too in his body, that is, his living church.”

  5. So… keep reading, keep studying, and keep discussing… to see what God will give you; to see what he will reveal to you; to see how his word will change you… Live your life following the Son...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is my first time reading your blog. I am rarely on the internet.

I was looking for Brian McLaren's website, but could not find it. I found a few essays for and against his ideas, which were interesting.

I did enjoy the thoughts on Biblical interpretation and translation.

The ideas for maintaining a certain amount of insanity were very humorous.

Have a good day,

Baruch Rhea